
How to Stand Up Your Own Collection Function in Days

Learn about the benefits of establishing an in-house debt collection function, including better control, higher profit margins, and tailored services, and explains how to set it up quickly using Dash Billing software.
Wynona Benson
6-7 minutes

In today’s fast-paced business environment, ensuring that your company receives the payments it’s owed is more crucial than ever. While outsourcing to a collection agency might seem like the easiest solution, there’s a growing trend among businesses to establish their own in-house collection function. Why? The reasons are manifold: better control over the collection process, increased profit margins, and the ability to tailor the process to the unique needs of the business. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons you should consider setting up your own collection department and how you can do so swiftly using debt collection software.

Why You Should Stand Up Your Own Collection Function

Better Control Over Collections:

When you outsource to a collection agency, you’re essentially handing over control of the collection process to a third party. This can lead to miscommunication, delays, and even potential damage to your brand’s reputation if the agency doesn’t handle collections delicately or aligned with your values. By having an in-house collection function, you can ensure that the process aligns with your company’s values and objectives. This control allows you to directly oversee the tone and manner in which collections are pursued, ensuring that every interaction is handled with the care and professionalism that reflects your brand’s standards.

Higher Profit Margins:

Collection agencies typically charge a percentage of the amount they recover. This can eat into your profits, especially if the agency is successful in recovering a large sum. By managing collections in-house, you can avoid these fees and retain a higher percentage of the recovered amount. The cost savings from not paying these fees can be substantial, especially for businesses with a high volume of outstanding debts. In-house collections mean that every dollar recovered goes straight to improving your bottom line, rather than being split with an external agency.

Tailored Credit Collection Services: 

Every business is unique, and so are its customers. An in-house collection function allows you to tailor your credit collection services to the specific needs and nuances of your business, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach. This customization can lead to better outcomes, as you can design strategies that are most effective for your particular customer base. Tailored services mean you can be more flexible and responsive, addressing each situation on a case-by-case basis rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach often used by third-party agencies.

Setting Up Your Collection Function with Dash Billing

Now that we’ve established the benefits of having an in-house collection function, let’s explore how you can set one up in just days using debt collection software like Dash Billing.

Evaluate Your Needs:

Before diving in, assess the volume of outstanding debts and the resources you’ll need. This will help you determine the size of your collection function and features you’ll require from your software. With Dash Billing, there’s no job too small or too big to handle. You can set up your collection function without the extra headcount, saving you not only fees from not needing to use a collection agency but also from not needing to hire any additional employees.

Select the Right Software:

Dash Billing is a leading debt collection software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline the collection process. From automated reminders to detailed reporting, Dash Billing provides everything you need to manage collections efficiently. The software is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, which means your team can get up to speed quickly without the need for extensive training.

Train Your Team:

Even with the best software, you’ll need a team that understands the intricacies of debt collection. Invest in training to ensure your team is well-versed in best practices and can use Dash Billing to its fullest potential. The bonus is that Dash Billing is so easy to use that minimal training is required. Dash Billing was built to be straightforward, so you can get up and running in no time.

Implement Best Practices:

Establish clear guidelines for your collection process. This includes setting up a timeline for when to send reminders, when to escalate a case, and how to handle disputes. Dash Billing can automate many of these steps, ensuring consistency and efficiency. By having a structured process, you can ensure that all collections are handled systematically and professionally, minimizing the risk of errors or oversights.

Monitor and Adjust:

Once your collection function is up and running, regularly review its performance. Dash Billing’s detailed reporting can provide insights into areas of improvement, allowing you to tweak your processes for better results. Continuous monitoring ensures that your collection strategies remain effective and allows you to adapt to any changes in your business environment or customer behavior.


In the world of credit collection services, having control over your processes can make a significant difference in both the amount you recover and the relationships you maintain with your customers. By setting up your own collection function in-house, you can take charge of this crucial aspect of your business and reap the benefits in terms of both profits and reputation. With the right tools, like Dash Billing, standing up your own collection function is easier than ever. Don’t let outstanding debts drag your business down; take control and maximize your profits today!

The shift towards in-house collections is not just a trend but a strategic move to enhance control, profitability, and customization in debt recovery processes. By leveraging advanced tools like Dash Billing, businesses can swiftly establish a robust in-house collection function that drives better financial outcomes and strengthens customer relationships. Embrace the change, harness the technology, and watch your business thrive in a competitive marketplace.

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